Well. Things have been pretty busy here. We spent a good part of January battling a nasty upper respiratory infection that snaked its way through our house and left both kids with double ear infections. With this, we discovered that Reagan had a reaction to the amoxicillin...so we're going to be pursuing some allergy testing for her in the near future to be sure.
Anthony's parents and brothers came into town at the beginning of February, and spent 3 weeks with us. It was so great for them to finally get a chance to meet Reagan, and to spend some more time with Eoin. Needless to say, he's really changed a lot since the last time they saw him--he was 13 months old then! They just left Kansas City on Wednesday, and we're slowly adjusting and getting the kids used to being home alone (and bored!) with just Mommy and Daddy.
Eoin is talking up a storm these days, and as a matter of fact, never stops talking from the moment he wakes in the morning, until the moment he drifts off to sleep at night. He loves to give the play by play for every. single. thing. he does during the day...it's hysterical! Maddening, but hysterical. LOL I swear the kid definitely has the gift of gab!
Reagan is 9 1/2 months now, and is trying her hardest to learn to walk. She has a baby walker that she uses to go EVERYWHERE now, and she is *this* close to taking off on her own! She did take two steps a couple of days ago, but I didn't get a chance to see it. She was standing at the raised fireplace hearth playing, and she turned around, took two steps and then fell. My Mother In Law was privileged enough to see it firsthand, though, and was thrilled! :)
We're still dying in the middle of winter here in KC, and can't wait for the spring thaw! Puxatawnie Phil promised us it was right around the corner...right?

I know Danielle ...its scary how fast time goes. My blog has been neglected too...by the time I get to write what I thought was interesting at the time ,,,,its not interesting anymore! Glad the kids are keeping better ...having them sick just sucks at the energy. Glad the visit went well.
ReplyDeleteHey Dani, Just bookmarked you, will be following along! Please visit my blog!