First, see that cute little banner at the top? The one with my most "recent" photo stream from my
PicasaWeb Album? It's obviously been a while. Everyone warns you when you're pregnant with your second child that you really won't have any free time again. Ever. And you know what? They're right. Anyway, I used up all of the free storage space a long time ago, and since deciding to start this blog I figured that I should go ahead and upgrade. Last night. But as of now, they've still not credited my account. So hang tight. I *do* actually have some pictures of Reagan, and I'll share them as soon as good ol' Google will let me. :)
Secondly, I'd like to be able to follow your blog, too, so why don't ya leave me a comment here and I'll add you!
hmm...I'm still not sure that I like it. Those are some *tiny* little pictures. Anyway, if you're reading this, you can probably expect to see some changes around here for the next few days as I play around with the formatting. This current template that I'm using seems pretty busy, so I might have to switch it out to something a little more readable. What do you think?